Saturday, February 22, 2020

dribbling urine or poor stream of urine dr Kondekars approach to dysuria

Often kids pass 6-12 times urine in a day. At times newborns can pass upto 20 times in a day.
A child passing urine less frequently is called Oliguria.
A child passing urine with pain is called Dysuria.
A child having blood in urine is called Hematuria.
Passing no urine is called Anuria.
Anuria means urine is not formed in kidneys only and its often likely to be a serious condition and may require blood test for kidney function and may need saline intravenously to start urine or at times diuretic drugs and at times dialysis too.
Dysuria means difficulty in passing urine and is often painful and that why child holds urine and it appears like he is scared or it dribbles.
Dribbles means drop by drop or poor stream of urine or passing with breaks in same minute.
Three common causes of this: 1. Infection   2. stone in urinary tract   3. obstruction due to birth defect in urine tract .
if the same is with ballooning of prepuce in males, often it is prepucial stenosis. Poor stream of urine
is often related to urinary meatal stenosis or posterior urethral valve.
An ultrasound KUB usually helps understand blocks. A urine culture test helps understand infection. Repeated urine infections often need a VCU test that may help pick up some birth associated defects.
Often this needs antibacterial drugs and urine alkamisation agents.


Always visit a Dr and try to understand more and better.

Dr Kondekar SV MD 9869405747 for whatsapp